
Healthy Recipe: Favorite & Easy-To-Make Breakfast Meal Prep Option

Blame it on Mei, @blameitonmei, Miami Fashion Lifestyle Blogger, Healthy Fast Breakfast Cherry Pie Overnight Fridge Oats

Overnight oats is one of my all-time favorite healthy and easy-to-make breakfast recipes. It is hearty and oh-so simple to prep the night before. Miami Fashion Blogger



I’ve actually shared this recipe before several times on my InstaStories since I always receive comments about how much you all like it. So why not get it on record, on the blog record that is, and leave it here for you all to save later or even make it tonight. It is such an easy and convenient breakfast option when you are on the go or when you just don’t feel like making a hearty breakfast early morning.

Most of my recipes are meal-prep friendly and this one is no exception. You can make up to three servings of these in advance. And you can add different ingredients/toppings to not tire your palette for three days straight. By the way, it is eaten cold, which made me a bit hesitant to try it the first time I made it. But I am glad I did.

There are so many overnight fridge oats recipes and if you happen to like this one, I suggest you do a quick search online for more. I warn you though, you will be bombarded with many deliciousness 🙂



He compartido esta receta varias veces en mis Stories, ya que siempre recibo comentarios sobre lo mucho que les gusta. Entonces, ¿por qué no compartirla aquí en el blog, y dejarla para que todos guarden la receta para otro día o incluso la traten esta noche? Es una opción de desayuno súper fácil y conveniente cuando no tienen mucho tiempo en la mañana o cuando no le apetece hacer un desayuno saludable y sustancioso a primera hora de la mañana.

La mayorĂ­a de mis recetas son aptas para preparar con antelaciĂłn y esta no es una excepciĂłn. Pueden preparar hasta tres porciones por adelantado. Y pueden agregar diferentes ingredientes para no aburrir su paleta durante tres dĂ­as seguidos. Por cierto, se come frĂ­o, cual me hizo dudar un poco al probarlo la primera vez que lo hice. Pero estoy contenta de haberlo hecho.

Hay tantas recetas de avenas como estas la noche y si les gusta esta, le sugiero que hagan una búsqueda en línea para obtener muchas mas. Aunque les advierto, serán bombardeados con muchas delicias 🙂


Blame it on Mei, @blameitonmei, Miami Fashion Lifestyle Blogger, Healthy Fast Breakfast Cherry Pie Overnight Fridge Oats


Blame it on Mei, @blameitonmei, Miami Fashion Lifestyle Blogger, Healthy Fast Breakfast Cherry Pie Overnight Fridge Oats[/one_half][one_half_last]Blame it on Mei, @blameitonmei, Miami Fashion Lifestyle Blogger, Healthy Fast Breakfast Cherry Pie Overnight Fridge Oats[/one_half_last]

Blame it on Mei, @blameitonmei, Miami Fashion Lifestyle Blogger, Healthy Fast Breakfast Cherry Pie Overnight Fridge Oats

Cherry Pie Overnight Fridge Oats
Serves 1
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Prep Time
5 min
Prep Time
5 min
  1. • 1/3 cup old fashioned rolled oats
  2. • 1/3 cup unsweetened almond milk
  3. • ½ cup 2% Greek yogurt (lactose intolerante or vegan substitute: almond/coconut milk yogurt)
  4. • 1 teaspoon chia seeds
  5. • ½ tablespoon almond butter
  6. • 1 teaspoon honey
  7. • ½ cup chopped frozen cherries
  1. Layer the oats, almond milk, chia seeds, honey, almond butter, yogurt, and cherries.
  2. Stir everything together.
  3. Cover and put in the fridge.
  1. • This recipe is eaten cold and made the night before.
  2. • Stays good for up to three days.
  3. • Lactose Intolerante or vegan substitute yogurt available at most large grocery stores.
Blame it on Mei | Miami Fashion Blogger Mei Jorge http://blameitonmei.com/

  1. 5.9.18

    This looks so delicious and its nutritious too, I’m sure it would taste great with other fruits too like strawberries and blueberries. Thanks for the recipe!

    • 5.13.18

      Hi Chris,
      Ever since I first tried over-night oats I couldn’t get enough of them! And yes, they are sooo yummy with other fruits as well.

      Thanks for stopping by ?

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